Friday, November 1, 2013

Query Letter

November 1, 2013

Ralph Nichols
Journalism Instructor
San Jose State University
One Washington Square, San Jose, CA, 95112

Mr. Nichols,

Fitness now more than ever is becoming more of an importance in peoples lives. There is always a new workout program or dietary regimen that people try to follow. With all of this comes the protein shakers people are carrying around. Many college students are going through their day drinking protein shakes and consuming other muscle building supplements. The average person only needs 24 grams of protein a day, so consuming supplements is unnecessary. 

I am well versed in the topic of muscle development and nutrition. As a D1 athlete I have to be educated about both topics in order to get the most out of my body. I have many sources that I can speak with in order to gather information about the topics.

As a third year journalism major and student athlete at SJSU I find this subject area interesting. I want to educate college students by writing a lengthy article about muscle building supplements and the effects they have on their bodies. 


Marcus Rogers

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